The Amazing Benefits And Advantages Of Working Out On A Recumbent Bike

The Amazing Benefits And Advantages Of Working Out On A Recumbent Bike

Recumbent bikes are stationary bikes where the user sits in a reclined position and exercises. While using a recumbent bike, you sit in a comfortable reclined position on a larger seat positioned back from the pedals. Recumbent bikes put less stress on your upper body, joints, and low back.  Your body is fully supported and…

Recumbent Bike Vs Upright Bike – Battle Of The Best Exercise Bike

Recumbent Bike Vs Upright Bike – Battle Of The Best Exercise Bike

With many different home exercise bikes online choosing one among them is difficult. Nowadays, exercise bikes are proving to be an effective alternative to gyms, jogging, or outdoor cycling. If you’re looking to buy an exercise bike and wondering which one to buy, then you’re in  the best place.  Introduction Recumbent and upright exercise bikes…

Recumbent Bike Vs Spin Bike – The Age Old Conflict Solved

Recumbent Bike Vs Spin Bike – The Age Old Conflict Solved

Health is a significant part of today’s narrative; there are healthy alternatives available to every junk food you can find. Granted, they might not taste the same, but they do keep your body away from bad cholesterol and greasy fat. But diet is only a part of a healthy lifestyle; you need to include regular…

To Run Or To Ride: Treadmill vs Recumbent Bike

To Run Or To Ride: Treadmill vs Recumbent Bike

A significant part of any healthy workout routine is cardio. It helps boost the cardiovascular system and provides benefits like a decrease in bad cholesterol, increased insulin activity, and strengthening your heart. If you don’t have a favourable jogging situation outside or not enough time to hit the gym during these lockdowns. It is best…