How Long Is Piyo Drench
Piyo Drench is a full-body stretching routine that uses many squat, lunge, and reach positions. It’s meant to get your body ready for a day of lifting heavy weights or doing some cardio workout.
It’s like a warm-up before a workout program. The movements are mostly done on one leg, but sometimes the other is used.
The routine focuses on the lower body and works with all of the major muscle groups, and is perfect for people of all ages and fitness levels.
You don't need any equipment other than a few chairs or sturdy mats. The routine was created by Pavel Tsatsouline, one of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness experts.
On the other hand, you don’t have to be an expert to do this routine. Even novices will find it challenging and highly effective.
Piyo Drench consists of 14 different stretches that target all the major muscle groups in your body. It's a great way to warm up before cardio or starting a weight training session.
Once you get the hang of making the moves, you can increase the number of sets and reps. You should do this routine at least three times a week.
Let us know how long is piyo drench is and how it works?
The Important Stuff about Piyo Drench:
Piyo Drench consists of a series of stretches and movements. You do these stretches in a random order, but some patterns are involved.
First, you work on the lower body and then move on to the upper body. From there, you start doing the upper body again and end with your abs at the end.
The routine is a great way to warm up before lifting weights or cardio exercise. Part of this warm-up routine is also flexibility training, so you end up toning every muscle group in your body. The routine is also great for injury prevention.
As you work on the stretches and movements, you’ll get some blood flow to your muscles, which will help your body recover faster. Furthermore, you’ll increase your range of motion.
The Exercises in Piyo Drench:
In Piyo Drench, you’re not only working on the stretches, but you’re also lifting heavyweights. As a result, you should always use good form when doing this routine.

If you don't follow the proper form or learn how to make the core moves correctly, you won't reap the maximum benefits from this routine.
So it is how the exercises are divided:
Raised Lunge to Stand: This is when you’re in a lunge position, and you’re raising your body. However, make sure that it’s an explosive motion and use your arms for balance.
Reverse Lunge to Stand – For this one, you make the same motion as in the Raised Lunge to Stand, but instead of going forward with your hands on the ground, reach them back until you touch the wall.
You can even place your palms against the wall for added support. If you put the palms against the wall, make sure you're leaning forward.
Pistol Squat to Stand – This is one of the most challenging exercises in Piyo Drench. However, it’s also highly effective. To perform this exercise, you need to start in a squat position, but instead of using one leg and then switching to the other leg on an alternating basis, use just one leg at a time and keep that one leg parallel to the ground.
Then, take a few steps with your free foot before switching legs again. You can think about jumping or landing from a running motion when doing this exercise.
Pistol Lunge to Stand – This is pretty much like the Pistol Squat to Stand. However, your arm movement is different. Instead of using the arms for support, you use them for balance. You can keep the palms against the wall or hold something in front of you to add more difficulty.
Pistol Single-leg Squat: The name refers to this exercise, and it’s a variation of the Pistol Squat to Stand and Pistol Lunge to Stand exercises described above. In this variation, you use your free leg for support while making a lunge.
Make sure that your free leg remains parallel with the ground at all times and that no part of that leg touches until you get back up on your two feet again.
These are the main exercises, and you can use them to do one to three sets. However, there are some additional workouts that you can add-in. Some of them include:
Kneeling Push-up: This is a modified version of the Push-up. Instead of regular push-ups, your hands go behind your head, and your knees touch the floor. Again, keep your body straight throughout the entire movie.
Cat-cow: This exercise is like a Rollover for beginners. In this exercise, grab something and spread it out like a cat before getting up on all four legs like an animal. Make sure that you keep your arms straight, but don’t worry about being stable or being in control at first.
You can even use a chair or a wall for balance. When you’re on all fours, make sure that your head is up, your tailbone is in the air, and your back is straight. After doing this, go back to the starting position and move like a cow.
From there on, you do 14 different stretches that target each of your major muscle groups. These are the stretching exercises:
Body Raise: This is done like a Sit-up motion. However, instead of keeping your legs together and going up with one move, go up slowly and keep the feet about 12 inches apart. Make sure that your hands stay in one position like you’re holding a bar.
Body Bridge: In this exercise, move to the floor with both hands and raise your shoulders off the floor. You should keep your body straight and use a slight arch in your back as you move up to the starting position.
Kneeling Single-leg Bridge: Again, this exercise is similar to the Back Extension, but instead of doing it on all fours, you do it on just one leg at a time and make sure that your foot stays still during the entire movement.
You can even hold onto a chair or wall for support during this move. Make sure that you don’t place too much pressure on that leg, though.
Body Squeeze: In this exercise, you lie down on one side and raise your shoulders. You should keep your hands lying flat on the floor for support. Knee to Elbow – This exercise targets the upper back and combines the Bent-over Row and the Reverse Fly exercises described above.

For this one, start in a bent position with your hands next to your sides. After that, squeeze your shoulder blades together and bring them in until they touch each other. That’s how you do the Knee to Elbow exercise.
Leg Extension: Again, you’re on all fours like a cat or animal with your arms straightened out and parallel to the ground. Make sure that your arms are straight and that your legs are bent at the knees. Then, hold that position and make sure you’re not moving at all.
Single-leg Extension: This one is very similar to the previous exercise. However, instead of having both legs bent at the knee, you have one leg raised in the air with a slight bend in it.
Cat-camel: This exercise is like a Rollover for beginners as well. In this exercise, grab something and spread it out like a cat before getting up on all fours like an animal. For more stability and control during this workout, you can use a chair or wall for support as well.
When you're on all fours, make sure that your head is up, your tailbone is in the air, and your back is straight. After doing this, go back to the starting position and move like a camel.
Shoulder Stretch: This exercise is similar to the Step-up exercise described above. However, this version uses both hands as support while you make a deep lunge with one leg outstretched. You should also keep that leg close to the floor and not move it during this exercise.
How long is piyo drench?
The Piyo Drench fitness program is designed as a 25-minute full-body workout routine with 14 different exercises and five sets of each exercise.
It makes it one of the most extended workouts for beginners that you can find today. However, I think the longer length of this workout is a big part of its charm.
The additional exercises such as running and jumping rope are pretty tiring, and that gets your heart pumping.
When you add these exercises to the other 14 basic moves in this challenging workout, you're working up a sweat in no time at all.
Users have reported that they start sweating even before doing the warm-up exercises at the beginning of this workout.
How often should I do piyo?

Most people will do the Piyo Drench workout in the morning or the evening after a long day at work. It’s also a good idea to take time out of your schedule for this workout every day for at least one week to get the most results from it.
If you don’t have time or you’re too tired, do some at-home exercises instead (piyo sculpt). You don’t need a lot of time to see results. Just a few minutes a day can help you see and feel some significant change in your body.
Overall, this workout is excellent for beginners. It’s easy to follow, more than just a couple of moves. It also provides a wide variety of exercises that target most of the major muscle groups in your body.
However, some people have a hard time doing this workout, and they quit because of it. They’re not used to exercising at all and think that this workout is too hard for them.
Sure, it's not an easy workout at all, but I also believe that any beginner should be able to do the Piyo Drench for 25 minutes a day for a week or two before moving on to another beginner bodyweight routine.
You can also do this workout twice in a row for even more results! If you are looking for something new, try doing the Piyo Drench before anything else, and your body will thank you.