Piyo yoga

How Many Calories Burned During Piyo?

How many calories do you burn while doing Piyo Yoga?

Piyo Yoga is a series of stretching exercises that originated in Japan but soon became popular worldwide. 

The activities and yoga positions improve flexibility while providing a workout that will tone your body in as little as 12 minutes.

It is based on the body's principle as a kinetic energy system. By moving the body in specific ways, the body's inherent kinetic energy and tension are released.

Many people who do not actively keep track of their daily calorie intake gain weight and become obese. It is especially true if they do not include exercise in their daily routine. 

Thus, ignoring this question can cause you to put on extra pounds and increase your risk of developing heart disease and other health problems.

In this article, I will give you an accurate and easy-to-use formula that will help you determine how many calories you burn while doing Piyo Yoga.

What is Piyo Yoga?

Piyo Yoga is a series of stretching exercises that originated in India. It is based on the body’s principle as a kinetic energy system.

Is PiYo good for beginners?

By moving the body in specific ways, the inherent kinetic energy is released, and the body’s tension gets released. 

It involves stretching a person's muscles, ligaments, and tendons and improving flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination (Grossman & Siegel 2010).

According to a study conducted by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Physical Activity, a significant component of overall health and well-being, has dropped among American adults (Linebaugh & Bickel 2013). 

Furthermore, the percentage of U.S. adults who report engaging in vigorous exercise at least once per week has fallen from 73 percent in 2001 to 67 percent in 2012 (Finkelstein et al., 2013).

Piyo Yoga is easy to learn and can be done anytime and anywhere. It can be done at home, in the office, or a classroom, before the school day begins or after it ends.

In addition to gaining flexibility and strength, another benefit of Piyo Yoga is that it helps burn calories.

For example, if you decide to do Piyo Yoga three times a week for 20 minutes each session, you will burn about 500 calories per week without making any other changes to your lifestyle. Of course, it does not mean that you should not exercise at all.

For example, a more effective way to burn calories is by running for an hour several times a week. However, many people find it challenging to squeeze in the time needed regularly.

How many calories do you burn while doing Piyo Yoga?

Here is a formula that you can use when you are trying to determine how many calories you burn while doing Piyo Yoga:


Some of the factors that can affect this calculation are:

How many calories can you burn with PiYo?

Intensity: The harder you push yourself, the more calories you burn. For example, do Piyo Yoga six days per week for 45 minutes per session and 30 minutes of strength training or other moderate exercises such as walking, jogging, or cycling. You will burn about 812 calories per week.

Gender: Women generally burn more calories than men because they have more body fat and less muscle mass, which results in a higher metabolic rate (Calories Burned & Metabolism).

Age: As you get older, your metabolism slows down, which means you will burn fewer calories. The amount of muscle mass tends to increase as you get older, and this is also important to note.

Body Weight: The more you weigh, the more calories you will burn. For example, a 150-pound person will burn approximately 500 calories in a single session of Piyo Yoga.

Metabolic Rate: It is how many calories target your body burns at rest. Physically active people will have a higher metabolic rate than those who lead an inactive lifestyle. Piyo Yoga also results in increases in a person’s metabolic rate.

Can you lose weight doing PiYo?

Yes, you can lose weight by doing Piyo Yoga. For example, the above formula indicates that you can burn approximately 500 calories in a single 20-minute workout session of Piyo Yoga. It is equivalent to jogging for one mile or rowing for two kilometres.

The key is to do the exercises correctly and push yourself a little bit each time. Along with doing Piyo Yoga three times per week, you can also add other forms of exercise such as strength training or cycling to your daily routine. 

Is PiYo a good workout?

Yes, Piyo Yoga is a good workout. According to health experts, one of the keys to weight loss goals is by being more active and take part in moderate forms of exercise.

Is PiYo effective for weight loss?

This type of exercise increases your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories and help meet weight loss goals. 

However, when looking for a form of exercise that you can do at home, at the office, or in a classroom such as Piyo Yoga, it is essential to ask yourself if it is intense enough. 

Many people who do not actively keep track of their daily calorie intake gain weight and become obese. It is especially true if they do not include exercise in their daily routine. 

Thus, ignoring this question can cause you to put on extra pounds and increase your risk of developing heart disease and other health problems.

How Many Days a Week Do You Do PiYo?

It is recommended that you do Piyo Yoga three times a week for at least a 20-minute workout each session. After you finish this for a month, you can try doing it four times a week or even five times if you feel energetic. 

Because you are burning calories, you do not have to worry about overdoing it, and you can even have a short-term goal of working your way up to doing 10 or 15 minutes at a time. 

However, if you find that the exercises are too tricky after doing them for only 20 minutes at a time, then it is recommended that you start practising with less than 20 minutes per session.

Another option is to do Piyo Yoga once or twice a week before bed. In this way, your body will be more tired than usual during the day, and you will burn more calories while sleeping. You can also do this on weekends or after work when you have more time to practice.

What to Expect from a PiYo Workout?

If you want to start Piyo Yoga but are unsure what to expect, this section will help. People have many different forms of exercise, including strength training and various forms of running and walking. However, Piyo Yoga can be considered a form of yoga performed while standing or sitting.

How long does it take to see results from PiYo?
Unlike other forms of exercise or sports that have specific equipment requirements such as running shoes, a baseball cap, or a particular piece of clothing (such as sneakers or gym shorts), Piyo Yoga does not require any special equipment at all. 

An excellent way to get started with Piyo Yoga is simply wearing comfortable clothes such as jeans and a t-shirt and sitting on the floor.

When you begin the exercises, you will notice that they are very similar to other forms of yoga, including breathing techniques. 

It brings another benefit of Piyo Yoga – not only will you burn calories, but you will also be able to enhance your breathing and mindfulness skills with this effective form of exercise.


Piyo Yoga is a great way to lose weight and enhance your fitness level. It is easy to do and does not require any special equipment.

No matter what your fitness goals are, this workout can help you achieve them. So, if you want to get more active, lose weight, and improve your fitness level, then Piyo Yoga is the exercise for you.

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