Gorilla Bow Review

Gorilla Bow Review – Get Fit Without Hitting The Gym

Gorilla Bow is a leading product in the market today that is impressing people with its great quality. It is the best product for people looking for a healthy workout without hitting the gym. A detailed Gorilla bow review helps to get the best information on this product.


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Gorilla Bow is made by combining an ancient weapon- the bow and cutting edge resistant band which helps you achieve your fitness goals in an easy way.

This revolutionary home and mobile gym provides a full body workout without the need of any other equipment


Gorilla bow is available at a very reasonable price when compared with the features and benefits we get from it. One can own it at around $179.75 – $275 on ecommerce portals.



Gorilla Bow is very flexible to use as it helps you do all the possible exercises in a simple way. 

Joint Friendly

This amazing product does not harm your joints while exercising and is very comfortable to use.

Time Saver

Most of the other exercise equipment may take a lot of time to burn calories but with Gorilla bow you can burn more calories at very less time.

Balanced Workout

It trains every muscle group and helps you get that fit and healthy body in an easy and convenient way.

Multiple Resistance Bands

The bands come with four latex resistance bands 10 Ib,20Ib, 32Ib and 45Ib to help adjust the amount of resistance. 

Money Saver

Most of the time people end up buying different equipment to perform different exercises but with the help of Gorilla bow one can do different exercises which in turn help you save money from buying multiple exercise equipment.

Adjustable Resistance

Made up of air crafted aluminum this bow is attached to a set of bands that can be interchanged and can be adjusted (increase/decrease) the amount of resistance.

Travel Friendly

This impressive bow is travel friendly where people can carry it anywhere they go and continue with their workouts without missing anyone.

Ease Of Use

There are no special instructions required to use this product as it is very easy to use. Even if you are using it for the first time it is very easy and user-friendly.

Gorilla Bow Before & After

What Do Customer Have To Say About Gorilla Bow

Gorilla Bow reviews are getting 4.5 stars out of 5 stars based on its super quality by users on Amazon.

Majority of customers are giving it 5 star ratings due to its flexibility, durability and its lightweight.

But some people are disappointed with its long bar which is difficult to carry while travelling in plane yet are satisfied with its overall performance.


Majority of people are highly impressed with its stylish looks and simple design.

It is very thin and people usually may not believe this simple product can help you perform so many different exercises.

But once used to it, you will surely enjoy the fun of exercising with the Gorilla Bow.

All About Gorilla Bow Kits

The Gorilla bow kit usually comes with four different bands: a yellow band of 10Ib, one red band of 20Ib, one blue band of 32Ib and one black band of 45Ib.

However, heavy kits are also available with two blue bands of 50Ibs and two black bands of 60Ibs that are available individually as well to meet the requirements of customers accordingly.

Alternative Products

If gorilla bow is not perfect for you then there are many other products available in the market to reach your expectations towards fitness.

Kettlebell kings, Gym shark, squat wolf and body boss portable gym are some of the best alternatives for Gorilla bow.


Hope the gorilla bow reviews has helped you pick the best product for your workouts.

Burning those extra calories from home is not that easy unless you go for products like Gorilla bow which is bound to impress you with its super features and easy usability.

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